About Us
IMOM helps hundreds of mentally and/or physically disabled adults and children, terminally ill, less fortunate adults, wounded warriors, and children whose parents are incarcerated. IMOM helps anyone who needs our love and support.
Your support of our organization through both hands-on and financial support are vital for the continuation of service to these wonderful families and individuals. Please help us by donating to Iron Men Outdoor Ministries today.

Helping and loving the least of these…

Our Mission
In obedience to the mandate of Jesus given in Matthew 28:19, “Make disciples of all nations”, we commit ourselves to be a living example and to act upon the 7 (SEVEN) VIRTUES of this Ministry:
Love, Mercy, Justice, Honesty, Faithfulness, Integrity, Charity, as well as the Irrevocable Guiding Premise of the ministry that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and the sole authority for faith, life, and moral guidance.
We believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the sole source of salvation given to man by our Father God in heaven for those who believe and, therefore, we commit ourselves to compassionately reach out and bless those who are in need; particularly those who are handicapped, children in need, the impoverished, and the abandoned.

Board Members
Rick Murphy, Chief Executive Officer
Nace Evans, Vice President
Sheriff Derrick Cunningham, Director
Van Hubbard, Director
Mike Kelley, Director
Scott Kelley, Director
Judge Eugene W. Reese, Director